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Production Crew


Instructors Dean Fagan, Ruby Snape, Louise Pridding, and Fern Evans oversee weekly youth and adult programs. On-camera sessions that progress skills through filmed scenes, feedback, expanding range, and collaborating with diverse acting partners. Discover growth alongside fellow artists at each meetup and hone your skills to be the best actor you can be.

Video Camera

Ongoing sessions to strengthen your talent through training...

Keep your screen acting skills razor-sharp and camera-ready with consistent coaching and practice. Booking regular weekly evening sessions maximizes growth through:

  • Ingraining positive on-camera techniques through repetition in a safe, encouraging space

  • Testing new emotional muscles to avoid artistic stagnation

  • Receiving fresh directorial feedback from various experienced instructors

  • Expanding your character repertoire with ever-changing, nuanced scene studies

  • Staying prepared for film, TV, or commercial auditions

  • Further embedding self-tape skills until they feel natural

  • Maintaining momentum alongside passionate fellow actors

  • Replicating the continuous regimen successful working actors maintain

Each 8-week cycle focuses on honing core competencies so we can review progress and set new goals.

Even stars like Michelle Williams still train weekly to prevent skill erosion. Now you can follow suit in a professional yet affordable actor’s studio.

Whether you join us periodically or regularly, these sessions ensure your on-camera abilities stay flexed. Strengthen your talents, fuel your passion, and achieve excellence through ongoing commitment.

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